Tag Archives: measurement


Today we continued some of our work on measurement. We are learning to understand and use the vocabulary related to length and use comparison to compare lengths.

We made plasticene snakes that were about 10 or 20 beads long on a bead string. We compared these to a photocopy of a beadstring.

After that, we had to measure some pictures of snakes and say how many beads long they would be. This was quite tricky as the snakes were curled up. we discussed how we could go about this. We decided we could use string to measure the snakes and then compare it against the bead string.

However, the string was quite hard to use so we deceided to go back to using the plasticene! This was much easier.

Superstars, I have added some measuring activities to our maths folder TES i-board that you can try at home. Click here.