Superstar Soup

We have learned that to keep our Moshi Monsters happy we have to feed them every day and give them healthy food.

We are also learning that to keep ourselves healthy and happy we have to eat the right types and combinations of foods.

Today we had a special visitor. Mrs Fiona Dawson, an Education Catering Advisor from our local authority, came to give us a special workshop on preparing and making our own soup.

Jack and Kristin’s mums came in to help us too.

We had to wash our hands properly and put on special plastic aprons. We knew all about this as we have been learning about the importance of good hygiene when preparing food.

Mrs Dawson showed us how to use a very sharp knife safely to chop up our vegetables. We had to peel and chop carrots, potatoes, turnip and leeks. We all worked in our groups to do this and everyone had turns.

We added water and stock powder and then left the soup to cook. After lunchtime, we were able to taste our soup. It was yummy!

A big thank you to Mrs Dawson for a very enjoyable morning. Thank you too, to Jack and Kristin’s mums for coming in to help us.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]

Biscuit Bear

Yesterday we started to read the book “Biscuit Bear” by Mini Grey.

The book is about a little boy called Horace who makes a Biscuit Bear. During the night Bisuit Bear comes to life and leaves Horace’s bedroom.

Mrs Stewart stopped reading the book at this bit and we had to predict what we thought might happen next.

We had to draw a detailed picture of our prediction and tell Mrs Stewart about it. Some of our predictions were
– he goes to a forest and makes friends with other bears.
– he goes outside and gets stood on!
– he sails away in a boat.

Later on, we read the rest of the book and found out that Biscuit Bear goes to the kitchen and makes himself some biscuit friends. However, they meet a horrible end when the family dog comes and eats them!! (Don’t worry though – Biscuit Bear escapes).

We really liked this book, although some of us were a little sad at the bit where the dog eats Biscuit’s friends. We are going to get some more Mini Grey books to read after the holidays.

Today, we made some new friends for Biscuit Bear. We mixed and baked them in the morning and then decorated them in the afternoon. We had some extra biscuits, so we decorated them too and delivered them to some lucky people around the school.

You can watch us at work below.

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="344" allowfullscreen="true" fvars="fs=1" /]


Lots of the Superstars have been working really hard this week to do the creative choice from their spelling menu. Our words this week were with short vowel /o/.

Look at this amazing frog. He an even flick out his tongue!

Great ideas Superstars.

Odd and Even

On the IWB

We are learning to count in 2’s and about odd and even numbers.

On Thursday we did a maths investigation to work out odd and even numbers for ourselves. Mr Stewart gave us a number and we had to make “friends of 2” with our cubes to make our number. We discovered that if we could mke the number with groups of 2 then it was an even number and if we had one left over then we had an odd number.

Here we are hard at work.

Pleased with our work.

Meet the Teacher

We had our “Meet the Teacher” evening tonight.

Mr Haxton, our new DHT, gave a short talk to parents in the dinner hall about Keys to Literacy and Moving Image Education. We will be using them this year in our classrooms.

Parents were then able to visit their child’s classroom to look have a wee look around this term’s work.

Thank you to all the parents who visited Primary 2S, and for all the positive comments about our new spelling homework and Moshi Monsters project.