Tag Archives: Good Practice

International Children’s Digital Library

The mission of the International Children’s Digital Library Foundation  is to promote tolerance and respect for diverse cultures by providing access to the best of children’s literature from around the world.

I invite you to explore this library. It is great!!!

Good Practice for EAL

  • Pupils with EAL should be placed according to their chronological age where possible.

  • Pupils with EAL should be placed with more able groups, so that they get the best role models and can be helped to reach their potential more quickly.

  • Pupils with EAL should have access to all classroom activities. Some will need to be supported or differentiated.

  • Try to encourage a language activity or game with a group on a regular basis; to allow learners to acquire new vocabulary.

  • Do not worry if the pupils are silent. This is normal and will improve as they settle in socially and gain confidence.

  • Use pictures, photos, artefacts, drawings, gestures, maps and graphics to aid understanding.

  • Use other pupils to act as a buddy to help the child and look after them at breaks; to show them the ropes, etc.

  • Allow the pupil to copy from others.

  • For younger pupils, or those not literate in their first language, a pictorial dictionary is very helpful.

  • Please encourage the use of a bilingual dictionary and give glossaries of new topics in advance, so that pupils can look up meanings and search in their native language beforehand.

  • Please be prepared to repeat instructions.

  • Include the pupils with EAL in paired reading schemes.