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Importance of EAL in a recent Scottish Government report ‘ Language Learning in Scotland : A 1+2 Approach’

A Language Working Group was set up by the SNP Government to take forward  their manifesto pledge to implement in schools the EU 1+2 model of plurilingual citizens. It contains reference to EAL (see below).It also includes a  recommendation that student teachers should undertake some study of pedagogy associated with additional language learning.

English as an additional language

9. It is recommended elsewhere in this report that a 1+2 languages delivery will mean substantial enhancement of the role of EAL within schools and staff working within EAL will be central to 1+2 delivery. This will involve both qualified teachers and support staff working within EAL . Much important work has already been undertaken in Scotland in delivery of EALand in developing the qualifications and roles of staff working within the sector. However, it is a service which is itself frequently vulnerable at a time of budgetary reductions. The Group is of the view that EAL work and delivery should be incorporated within a policy of 1+2 delivery in schools and should be protected and developed as part of the roll-out of that policy.

EAL Induction Check List

  1. Ensure friendly body language.
  2. Provide a place of safety in the room (observation point).
  3. Arrange for “buddies” to support the child socially and in class.
  4. Appoint good role models in the table group.
  5. Explain the “school routine”, e.g; bell, toilet, school layout, timetable and who should collect the child and where.
  6. Explain the health and safety procedures, e.g. fire evacuation.
  7. Explain social norms and boundaries of school.
  8. Don’t worry if pupils are silent.
  9. Welcome “acceptance and interest of pupil’s culture”.

EAL Enrolment Guidelines

The following procedures are recommended to schools at the time of enrolment of a bilingual learner.  This information is designed to ensure effective communication between parents and schools.

*Refer the child to the EAL Team.

*Make arrangements for an interpreter to be present at the enrolment meeting, if necessary.

*Follow school admission procedures.

*Confirm the first language of the child and parents/carers.

*Request details of previous schooling and copies of any school reports, documents and/or certificates. This should include passports, inoculation records and details of hearing and eye tests.

*Request an estimated level of literacy in first language and in English.

*Gather information regarding dietary requirements and/or special health conditions.

*Register with local Doctor.

*Discuss preferred communication between school and parents/carers.

*Request information on any break in education and concerns.

*Request information on religious and cultural issues.

*Request information on any possible restrictions to school activities, e.g. festivities, celebrations, sports, visits, excursions, trips, etc.

*Request details of an emergency contact (English speaker such as friends, relatives, neighbours).

*Request information on the length of time in UK.

*Provide information on the school routine; when it starts and ends and lunch times.

*Provide information on attendance at classes and notification of absence.

*Provide information on lunch and snack arrangements.

*Provide information on collecting children.

*Provide information on school outings and the process of giving consent.

*Provide information on the ways in which parents are asked to support the school ethos.

*Provide information on ‘English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)’; these are free sessions available for adults within local CLD (Community Learning and Development).

EAL Support

What support can EAL (English as an Additional Languages) teachers offer?

1-Advice on enrolment, class and group setting, initial assessment, planning, attainment and achievement.

2-Provide and recommend resources. We may be able to suggest ways of making them more accessible.

3- EAL CPD (Continuous Professional Development) on general support strategies and or individual needs.

4-Strongly recommend the documents: Learning in 2(+) Languages and EAL Guidelines.

5-Support in class, observation, consultation, meeting with parents.