Provide opportunities for bilingualism. Children should be encouraged to use their first languages:

Share games from other cultures;

Vocabulary labels in  the child’s language;

Pair talking in the first language;

Writing in the home language and in English;

Use dual language dictionaries;

Brainstorm ideas and concepts in first language groups and in English;

Promote dual language reading;

Listen to audio texts in dual languages;


Importance of EAL in a recent Scottish Government report ‘ Language Learning in Scotland : A 1+2 Approach’

A Language Working Group was set up by the SNP Government to take forward  their manifesto pledge to implement in schools the EU 1+2 model of plurilingual citizens. It contains reference to EAL (see below).It also includes a  recommendation that student teachers should undertake some study of pedagogy associated with additional language learning.

English as an additional language

9. It is recommended elsewhere in this report that a 1+2 languages delivery will mean substantial enhancement of the role of EAL within schools and staff working within EAL will be central to 1+2 delivery. This will involve both qualified teachers and support staff working within EAL . Much important work has already been undertaken in Scotland in delivery of EALand in developing the qualifications and roles of staff working within the sector. However, it is a service which is itself frequently vulnerable at a time of budgetary reductions. The Group is of the view that EAL work and delivery should be incorporated within a policy of 1+2 delivery in schools and should be protected and developed as part of the roll-out of that policy.