Learn English for Adults

LearnEnglish is the British Council’s website for learners of English, adult or professiona,

You can become a member and contribute to the site, interact with other learners and download free resources.

LearnEnglish includes interactive features such as user comments, discussion forums, content rating and polls, as well as media-rich materials including podcasts, flash games and video.

English for Kids Resources

Learn English Kids is a great collection of resources from the British Council for children learning English as an additional language. It is free online games,songsstories and activities for children to have fun and learn English too.


You can become a member, make your own cool character and enter competitions. When you are a member you can comment across the site and answer questions in your turn to practise your reading and writing.

Parents and teachers

You can become a member of LearnEnglish Parents to download learning resources. As a member you can also watch video tips anddownload articles from language learning experts.

Go to our Parents forum to share ideas and ask questions about helping your child learn English.