Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

May 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word Facts: Who vs. Whom

Whom is often confused with who. What’s the difference between these two pronouns? Check out our latest Word Fact to find out! 🙂 How do you decide which one to use? When in doubt, substitute him (sometimes you’ll have to … Continue reading

April 27, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word Fact: Intrusive vs. Obtrusive

Ever been shhh’d by me in the library and asked yourself, ‘Is the noise I’m making intrusive or obtrusive?’ No? 😉 Well, I bet you want to know now! To be intrusive is to involve oneself into the affairs of … Continue reading

April 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word Fact: Loath vs. Loathe

Loath vs. loathe Loathe is a verb meaning to dislike greatly. For example, if you have a mean boss, you might say that you loathe him. Loath is an adjective meaning unwilling or reluctant. For example, you might say that … Continue reading

March 10, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word Fact: The Difference Between “A While” and “Awhile”

Clishmaclaver brings you the Friday Word Fact, care of 😉 Few word pairs capture the idiosyncrasies of the English language as effectively as a while and awhile. Both of these terms are expressions of time, and both have been … Continue reading

February 28, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word Fact: What’s the Difference Between “Discreet” and “Discrete”?

Spotted this on; an interesting homophone conundrum! – 😀 “This [pair] of homophones (words that sound alike but are different in meaning, spelling, or both) [can] be very confusing. Discreet implies the showing of reserve and prudence in one’s behavior or … Continue reading

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