WHAT IS AUTISM ? This man explains what autism is using digital animation. Video credit: found at: Autism Awareness Society
August 16, 2017
by Miss Stewart
August 16, 2017
by Miss Stewart
WHAT IS AUTISM ? This man explains what autism is using digital animation. Video credit: found at: Autism Awareness Society
June 8, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments
So, this popped onto my FB feed – and I love it! Such a lovely, simple idea; could be adapted for mini book reviews (that’s quick reviews not tiny books!), book recs, poetry, or even motivational quotes. To coin a phrase – do something booky!
Video credit:©Jiya I. / found at Easy Peasy and Fun
June 7, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments
Came across this very interesting video via The Day’s weekly round up. Click here to find out Why You Need an Early Night, and to access the associated learning activities.
So what do you think? Is sleep the most important cause of the world’s problems?
Video credit: The School of Life
March 23, 2017
by Miss Stewart
So anyway, I came across a blog from For Reading Addicts from last year. It’s a post of the most wonderful stop motion video filmed at Type Books in Toronto. Amazing skills and artistry; bookish loveliness indeed! Click to enjoy … Continue reading
March 10, 2017
by Miss Stewart
1 in 10 young people will experience a mental health problem this year. Being in your mate’s corner could make all the difference, and it doesn’t have to be hard.So if your mate’s acting differently, step in.
Spread the word, share our film. Continue reading
March 1, 2017
by Miss Stewart
Find out which book from our fantastic shortlist received the most votes! Source: And the Scottish Teenage Book Prize Winner is… – Scottish Book Trust
February 27, 2017
by Miss Stewart
Looking for ideas for how to celebrate World Book Day 2017? Do something booky in school! What is suspense? How do you make people laugh? Famous writers explain their craft in these enlightening videos on World Book Day’s website.
January 20, 2017
by Miss Stewart
Burns Night – January 25th – and its accompanying slap up ‘Supper’, is almost upon us. In anticipation, listen to five inspirational quotes from the Bard himself, care of The Scotsman.