Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

August 29, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word of the Week!

Word of the Week is – current (adj.) – happening now; (n.) flow of water, air or electricity Not to be confused with, currant (n.) – a dried grape! 😉       Art credit: taken from:; copyright©2017 Tony Zuvela

August 22, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word of the Week!

Incite (v.) to move to action; to instigate. Not to be confused with ‘Insight’ (n.) – power of understanding things; practical knowledge Ah, yes, homophones – words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings – are wonderful … Continue reading

August 14, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word of the Week!

Nohow (adv.) not in any way, not at all; in no definable way “We won’t get there today, nohow.” Not to be confused with ‘know-how’ (n.), meaning knowledge of the methods or techniques of doing something, especially something technical or … Continue reading

August 1, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word of the Week!

Today’s Word of the Week may, or may not, have been inspired by recent events in international politics! 😉 verb informal BRITISH – loiter in a bored or listless manner: “He just mooched about his bedsit NORTH AMERICAN – ask … Continue reading

June 19, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word of the Week!

Our Word of the Week is Pareidolia – Noun: The imagined perception of a pattern or meaning where it does not actually exist, as in considering the moon to have human features – Collins English Dictionary Do you ever see faces in inanimate objects? … Continue reading

May 24, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Word Facts: Who vs. Whom

Whom is often confused with who. What’s the difference between these two pronouns? Check out our latest Word Fact to find out! 🙂 How do you decide which one to use? When in doubt, substitute him (sometimes you’ll have to … Continue reading

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