Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

September 13, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Libraries, places for “connection, not the collection” #librariesweek

Why the future of UK libraries is in the ‘connection, not the collection’ “Far from dying out in this age of technology, libraries are going from strength to strength – but they have had to adapt in order to stay … Continue reading

April 10, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Fake News: The Fightback!

Facebook to offer users tips on spotting fake news – The Guardian Google adds fact checking feature to search results to debunk fake news – iNews Google, like Facebook, has come under increasing pressure to tackle the rise of fake … Continue reading

February 8, 2017
by Miss Stewart

10 books to read before they become TV adaptations

Love your tv dramas? iNews bring us the best of what’s to come in book-to-tv dramatisations, along with some sound advice – read the book first! 😀 Literary adaptations continue to dominate television, with an array of eagerly-anticipated book-inspired shows due … Continue reading

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