Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

June 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Critical Reading and Writing Skills

“The internet has changed or ‘rewired’ the way in which our brains take up information.” This is a statement according to various researchers. Continue reading

June 6, 2017
by Miss Stewart

The human experience…

The Human Experience: 8 Books to Inspire Young Adults, Part I “Racial discrimination. Police brutality. Religious intolerance. Sexual repression. Bigotry. Today’s problems touch each of us in myriad ways. These eight books examine injustice in the world today and challenge … Continue reading

May 5, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Wave me goodbye!

A Waterstones flyer popped onto my FB feed with this awesome news: “For the first time, the wonderful Jaqueline Wilson turns her attention to a definitive period of history. It is September 1939 and ten-year-old Shirley is sent to live in the countryside … Continue reading

Word of the Week!

April 27, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments


  • Be in or move into a sloping position, eg: ‘He leaned back in his chair’; incline from the perpendicular and rest for support against (something), eg: ‘a man was leaning against the wall


  • A deviation from the perpendicular; an inclination. Eg: ‘the vehicle has a definite lean to the left’

Phrasal Verbs

  • lean on

    Rely on or derive support from. ‘they have learned to lean on each other for support’; put pressure on (someone) to act in a certain way. ‘a determination not to allow the majority to lean on the minority’ 


  • (of a person or animal) thin, especially healthily so; having no superfluous fat.

    ‘his lean, muscular body’; ‘lean bacon’
    i) (of an industry or company) efficient and with no wastage:
    ‘staff were pruned, ostensibly to produce a leaner and fitter organization’
    ii) (of meat) containing little fat.
  • Offering little reward, substance, or nourishment; meagre. ‘the lean winter months’; ‘keep a small reserve to tide you over the lean years’

    Oxford Dictionary

 And let us not forget the latest motto of business lexicon,”lean in“; that’s to say, lexical shorthand for the act or process of a woman’s asserting herself in the workplace. 😀
Art credit: EC English

April 10, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Is teen loneliness caused by social media?

Further to previous posts on teenage emotional literacy and well-being, worried parents – and our pupils – might want to read this Guardian opinion piece, Reports claim – and parents worry – that teens are suffering an epidemic of loneliness caused by … Continue reading

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