Clishmaclaver – Brechin High Library Blog

More epicness from our recent #PoetrySlam for #HorrorHaiku

October 26, 2017 by Miss Stewart | 0 comments


Yesterday really was so much fun, and so inspiring; watching pupils #counting out the syllables to make their menacingly magnificent meme. 😉

A putrid prize will be presented to the winning #HorrorHaiku on Hallowe’en!


This gallery contains 5 photos

September 15, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Join us for #BookNinjas @BrechinHigh1

Are you a Brechin Book Ninja? If you are, you need a bona fide Ninja name. Try this handy Ninja name generator for maximum Ninjitsu kudos; I just used the letters of my last name, and got: Arichi-Kumei Kashichi 😀 Cooool. … Continue reading

September 13, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Libraries, places for “connection, not the collection” #librariesweek

Why the future of UK libraries is in the ‘connection, not the collection’ “Far from dying out in this age of technology, libraries are going from strength to strength – but they have had to adapt in order to stay … Continue reading

September 13, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Bookbug Picture Book Prize #InvolvingParents #ASNbpbp

This, from Bookbug might interest Brechin parents: “Children with additional support needs can join in the fun of the Bookbug Picture Book Prize with these great resources from CALL Scotland: “ Photo credit: Bookbug

September 13, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Evil Werewolf Pirate Santa, anyone? #grantmorrison #ComicClub

An exclusive from 😀 : “This Christmas, Klaus better watch out. Grant Morrison and Dan Mora have returned to Klaus and BOOM! Studios for a third time, and CBR has the first details on their latest adventure, the 48-page … Continue reading

September 13, 2017
by Miss Stewart

Sugar in your diet: The not-so-mouthwatering truth

Does sugar make you hyper, or cause cancer? From obesity to sweeteners, we sort through the science on all things sweet Source: Sugar in your diet: The not-so-mouthwatering truth Photo clip art credit: found at:

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