Parent Council Representatives’ Meetings February/March 2012 (Secondary)

Parent Council Chairpersons (Secondary) Meeting

  • A letter from Neil Logue, Director of Education re Parent Council Chairpersons (Secondary) meeting on Tuesday 6 March 2012 at 7.15pm at Arbroath High School

Letter from NL – Parent Council Chairs (Secondary) – Meeting on 6 March 2012

  • The Agenda for the Parent Council Chairpersons (Secondary) meeting on Tuesday 6 March 2012

Parent Council (Secondary) Meeting Agenda 06 03 12

  • A letter from Neil Logue, Director of Education re Broad General Education: Angus Council Expectations

Broad General Education – Angus Council Expectations Letter

  • A letter from Neil Logue, Director of Education re Angus Secondary Schools: Common School Day

Angus Secondary Schools Common School Day Letter


Parent Council Representatives’ Meetings February/March 2012 (Primary)

The following documents have been added to the Parent Council Representatives’ February/March 2012 page of the Blog:

Parent Council Chairpersons (Landward) Meeting

  • A letter from Neil Logue, Director of Education re Parent Council Chairpersons (Landward) meeting on Monday 27 February 2012 at 7.15pm at Whitehills Primary School, Forfar

Letter from NL – Parent Council Chairs (Landward) – Meeting on 27 February 2012

  • The Agenda for the Parent Council Chairpersons (Landward) meeting on Monday 27 February 2012

Parent Council (Landward) Meeting Agenda 27 02 12

Parent Council Chairpersons (Coastal) Meeting

  • A letter from Neil Logue, Director of Education re Parent Council Chairpersons (Coastal) meeting on Tuesday 28 February 2012 at 7.15pm at St Thomas Primary School, Arbroath

Letter from NL – Parent Council Chairs (Coastal) – Meeting on 28 February 2012

  • The Agenda for the Parent Council Chairpersons (Coastal) meeting on Tuesday 28 February 2012

Parent Council (Coastal) Meeting Agenda 28 02 12

New Curriculum for Excellence Films for Parents


This is to let you know that that we have just published some new short films on Curriculum for Excellence for parents on the Engage for Education web site at  The films illustrate, in nursery/primary/secondary learners’, parents’ and teachers’ own words, the kind of impact and benefits that CfE is having across the country. 

The films contribute towards the Cabinet Secretary’s CfE Action Plan 2011/12 commitment to develop new materials for parents which illustrate the benefits of CfE, following specific calls for such resources from parents.  They have been developed in co-operation with the National Parent Forum of Scotland.

I appreciate that your authority and nurseries/schools will have their own communications strategies and plans around CfE, but would greatly appreciate your support in asking schools and others to share these latest materials with parents and others pro-actively – for example on websites, by twitter, on blogs etc.  We will also be sending promotional flyers on the films to Parent Council Chairs and head teachers shortly.

Thank you once again for your help and support.

Lorraine Sanda                                                                                                                                                       

National Parental Involvement Coordinator