Any parent/carer seeking a place for their child should contact the school office to make an appointment to view the school and complete the necessary enrolment forms.
P1 Enrolment and Induction
Pupils due to start Primary 1 at the start of a new session in August are normally enrolled in January at a date announced by the local authority. Parents/carers can, however, contact the school office for advice at any time.
Details of enrolment week are published in the local press.
There are opportunities for parents/carers and children to attend induction meetings and visit the classes prior to admission. In the first three weeks of their first term, Primary 1 pupils attend on apart-time basis.
Parents/carers will be notified by letter of the day and time their child should start school.
Nursery Provision
Sunnybank has three part-time morning nursery classes, catering for up to 54 pupils per session and two part-time afternoon nursery classes catering for up to 40 pupils. There are dedicated nursery places for Hearing Impaired and Language Development Unit pupils.
Please contact the school for further information on how to enrol your child at Sunnybank School or Nursery.
Tel: 01224 261700