A snapshot of our first week!


We have explored the sand tray and helped peppa pig find some missing numbers. We had to match the numbers we found to the ones on the card. It was lots of fun working together learning numbers, communicating amongst ourselves and problem solving.


Health and well-being:

This week at nursery we have been exploring the outdoor spaces such as the nature garden and big playground. We have had lots of fun developing our motor skills, climbing, balancing, jumping and running.

We have enjoyed doing our mile a day walk around the school , learning how to look after our bodies.







Welcome back!

Welcome back to nursery to those who are returning for their pre school year and welcome to the new starts joining our class!

We can’t wait to get to know you all and share this exciting new journey with you. We hope we will all have lots of fun this year exploring, learning and playing together!


Key worker groups this year:

Mrs Gove – blue group.

Mrs Leys – green group.

Mrs Cummings and Miss Wilson – yellow group.

Miss Manson – red group.

Amanda Gibb will be joining us this year as a trainee EYP.