Rhymes across Languages

We had a visitor today who entered the class speaking in German! There were a few confused faces for sure. The children were read a German poem and challenged to decode what it meant in English. They were quite surprised at how much German words were similar to English. The children then created words onto a mind map which rhymed with ‘quack’ in their groups to help them write their own version of the poem. All children managed to complete a short poem and read these out at the end to their classmates. They were so proud of their work and so they should be! The learning opportunities using different languages are endless! Well done Primary 5.


All the Primary 5 pupils are working together on their topic on Jacobite’s. Currently making cut outs of a Red Coat and Jacobite soldiers. The planning stage saw each group drawing around a pupil and others designing and choosing colours. Cant wait to see the finished results!

Chinese new year!

The children were visited today by our mandarin teacher and others who helped us learn about Chinese New Year allowed us to try some traditional games from China. The strings were a huge hit and i am still learning to do the Eiffel Tower! Some of our class can do it so they will have to teach me. Fantastic learning today.

Boom!! Bang!!

Primary 5 invented a new spelling game to practice their spelling words. They wrote their words on the back of the neon shapes and played with others in their spelling groups to try spell their words! Look out for the boom or bang though or you loose your cards!