Gordon Highlander Museum 29.11.18

Primary 5 had a great morning at the museum learning about WW1. Children were taken on a timeline back to before the war started and learned a lot about how the war began, learned about medals that were earned by the soldiers and about artefacts that would have been used by the soldiers. The highlight was definitely seeing what the trenches looked like as this was a keen interest from the class while we were learning about it although I don’t think they enjoyed the smell that had been recreated and kept in a box for them to smell what it would have been like with infections from trenchfoot, wounds and the duck and chuck! I know I did not enjoy that one little bit!

New Library!!!

All classes had a fantastic day today for the opening of our new library! The children across the school had an opportunity to visit the library and look around then participated in a few fun activities around the school linking to reading. Well done to all and look forward to spending our first session in the library on Friday. #readingisachieving

Term 2 Newsletter

Primary 5P newsletter – November 2018

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to Term 2. I hope you all had a lovely October break. This term, the children will continue to be supported in class by Mrs Rhodie.
We have an exciting trip to the Gordon Highlanders Museum this term to link in with our learning about WW1 and Remembrance Day. Look out for a letter home with the information about it.
During term 2, we will be reading a class novel, Charlotte’s Web. The children will be engaged in whole class reading sessions and will complete tasks based on the novel to deepen their understanding of the text.
In Maths this term, the children will be working on money, time and weight and volume. They will also continue to follow the “Big Maths” programme to improve their mental calculations where they take part in a weekly CLIC challenge and Total Recall Challenge to improve their personal scores.
In reading and spelling, the children follow the Active Literacy Programme alongside the Reflective Reading strategies which will improve their skills in understanding of a text. Furthermore, they will continue to follow the Big Write Programme which allows children to focus on up levelling writing by using vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation. We are all very excited about our new library which will be opening very soon. We will visit the library weekly so that the children have an opportunity to take books home or leave in class for ERIC time (Enjoy Reading in Class).

Just a reminder of any other information you may find useful:

• Our timetable: We have PE on a Thursday and Friday. Please ensure that your child has their PE kits for those days. A reminder that jewellery should be taken out or covered with a plaster for these days.

• Reading:

o Groups 1, 2 and 3 will have reading on a Monday and Thursday. Groups 4 and 5 will have reading on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Please ensure you sign your child’s reading record when completed at home.

• Homework: Maths and spelling homework will be given out every Monday and should be handed in on Thursday. Maths homework is a consolidation of what your child has been learning in class and should never be anything new. If there is an issue with homework, please ensure your child speaks with me before Thursday to ensure it is handed in on time. Please leave me a comment in their jotter if you have any questions regarding the homework.

As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or queries.

Miss Petrie

Community care home visit

Primary 5 visited Summerhill Care home to make Christmas cards with the elderly. They had great fun creating a range of different designs. The elderly were very excited to have the children there and the children worked very hard to support them and chatting to them about what they had been learning in school.