P2 CLIC Week Beginning 28.09.20

Image result for big mathsC-  CORE Numbers: I can understand numbers to 10. 



Round Numbers


We will be exploring visual number stories E.g 5 = 3+2, 2+3, 4+1, 1+4, 3+1+1. 

L- Multiples of 10.

I-Doubling and Halving: I can double 1 digit numbers.

Remember to: learn that double…

  • 1 is 2
  • 2 is 4
  • 3 is 6
  • 4 is 8

We will also be discussing the relationship between doubling and halving. 

C-I can add numbers of objects to 10.

Remember to:

  • Find out how many there are in the larger group.
  • Count on from the larger group
  • Count each one carefully



P2 CLIC Targets Week Beginning 21.09.20

Simple Steps, Resources & Lesson Plans | Big Maths


Reading numbersI can read the numbers 11-20. 

Remember to:

  • Say what you see! (11, 12, 13, 14, 15)
  • Say the units digit first 
  • Say ‘teen’ for ‘ten’ (14, 16, 17,18,19)

Learn Its- 1+2, 2+3

It’s Nothing New-

Doubling and Halving: I can double 1 digit numbers. ‘Double 4 is 8’

Remember to: learn that double…

  • 1 is 2
  • 2 is 4
  • 3 is 6
  • 4 is 8


I add the right number and can count how many altogether. 

Remember to:

  • Count how many objects you have
  • See how many need adding
  • Count out how many you are going to add
  • Add each one carefully 
  • Count how many there are altogether


P2 CLIC Week Beginning 14.09.20

Image result for big maths


At Abbotswell we use the Big Maths scheme. Each week the pupils are set CLIC targets which we explore together. These help with the children’s core numeracy skills. Each letter stands for one of the elements.

C– Counting

L– Learn Its

I– It’s Nothing New

C– Calculations

This week our targets are:

C- Saying NumbersI can count to 20. 

Remember to:

  • Say, ‘11, 12, 13, 14, 15’
  • Say 6, 7, 8, 9 with ‘teen’ after each one

L1+2, 2+3

I– Doubling and Halving: I can double 1 digit numbers. ‘Double 4 is 8’

Remember to: learn that double…

  • 1 is 2
  • 2 is 4
  • 3 is 6
  • 4 is 8

CI add the right number and can count how many altogether. 

Remember to:

  • Count how many objects you have
  • See how many need adding
  • Count out how many you are going to add
  • Add each one carefully 
  • Count how many there are altogether