Week beginning 2nd November 2020

Weekly homework is now being posted on our Google Classroom. Please let me know if you cannot access it or have lost your child’s username and password.

Now we have completed the second set of 6 letter sounds – c/k, e, h, r, m and d. This week in school we will revise these sounds and do some activities to consolidate them. Matching pictures to their initial sound, forming the letter sounds and thinking of things which start with the letter sounds. We can now also continue to form words using the first 12 letter sounds – red, hat, den, cat, hip, men etc.

You could try to make some of these words together at home using the individual letter sounds. This is the start of blending where we say the sounds together to read the word.


This week we will continue to look at patterns. We will be thinking about colour patterns, shape patterns and number patterns.

We will also begin our CLIC sessions for numeracy.

As part of our Big Maths we do CLIC sessions in the class which at this stage of Primary 1 only involve –

Ccounting and Llearn its (these are number facts which we learn so they can be quickly recalled without needing to work out the answer).

Counting – counting to 10 and 20 forwards and backwards

Learn its –  1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 2 =4.


We continue with our Wider Topic, looking at Autumn, for the start of this term.  This week we will be doing some activities related to bonfire night.

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