A Short Week!

All the children seemed to enjoy their long weekend and arrived back in school full of energy…for the Valentine’s Disco!

However, we did pack a lot into our two days. In Literacy our focus was on “Recounts” and we used the holiday as our stimulus. Everybody worked really hard and Mrs Symon was delighted with the peaceful atmosphere in class – Well Done, P5!

In the afternoon, we switched our attention to Science. We used the whiteboard to look at information about temperature and thermometers. Afterwards we played a game, then worked with partners to complete a written challenge. The best bit was using thermometers.

Lots of budding scientists in P5!

CONGRATULATIONS to Elizabeth and Cole! In HWB we created posters to promote healthy eating. Two from each class will be displayed in the dining room and, after a class vote, they were our winners.

As it was such a short week we did not have Golden Time on Friday. Instead we relaxed by watching the Glee Club rehearse for their competition on Monday. The pupil feedback was extremely positive and we wish them well! Then we read an e-book about Chinese New Year. Some of us enjoyed a VERY relaxed approach to reading, as you can see!

NB No Dojo Star or Table of the Week – we are carrying our points over.

Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Symon

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