We are hard workers!

Hello Everyone!

Another one of our busy weeks in school!

In maths some of us have been learning more about decimals and we are becoming increasingly confident! We have also been revising our tables facts as we need to have quick and accurate recall, especially for Big Maths. Oliver and Yasmeen are able to correctly complete 42 questions within our 60 second time limit. Now they are trying to improve on their times – well done!

In literacy we have been writing persuasive letters. Everyone managed to finish and the letters were the result of three weeks hard work. We gathered evidence, looked at persuasive language and up-levelled our writing. Our final pieces were written to the editor of a fictional newspaper. Mrs Symon can’t wait to read them!

We are just delighted with our topic wall display. Honestly, it is almost finished so we should definitely be able to show it off in next week’s blog.

In French we have been learning the days of the week. Just for a bit of fun, some of us dressed up and had our photos taken for the wall!

Ne sommes-nous pas fabuleux?


Golden Time

As a special treat, Miss Mair takes some children from each class into the Games Hall for Golden Time. It was our turn this week and we used our dojo points to help decide who would go. George, Kassidi, Immanuel and Omar were the lucky four. Their cheeks were rather pink when they came back! Thank you, Miss Mair.

* Dojo Star of the Week


* Table of the Week

   Table One: Alanah, George, Hope, Kassidi, Shani and Tymoor!

Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Symon

PS  Please don’t forget to update your reading logs!

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