Week Two!


This week in writing we are doing persuasive letters to tell Nessington town that Dr X was an innocent person. We had to write what good things Dr X did like for example Dr X always was a good and kind person at heart. He always went shopping with his mum and always cared about people. I wonder what we are going to do next Mrs Symon!


In maths this week, we have been multiplying and dividing decimals. The decimal point was the only difference between normal multiplication and division sums! At first, we often forgot the decimal point, but as we got into it, we remembered everything. We also learned to write our own learning intention. (L.I)


Thank you, boys!

We were very excited by the arrival of a new laptop bus in the Blue Unit. Normally Mrs Symon does not use laptops at Golden Time, but as a special treat, we were allowed to have them this week…yippee! You can tell we enjoyed ourselves!

We are enjoying our topic work and our 1960’s wall display is coming on beautifully. Hopefully we will be able to show you next week.


On Friday morning Noah, Theo, Lexie, along with some good friends from P4, led the P4/5 Assembly! This is something the children decided to do all by themselves and they have given up many breaks and lunchtimes in preparation. They worked very hard to create a fabulous presentation to highlight the issue of pollution and plastic waste. They did extremely well and all seven children have definitely proved themselves to be…

* Dojo Star of the Week


* Table of the Week

   Table Two: Ben M, Elizabeth, Immanuel, Isha, Theo and Yasmeen!

Well done, Table Two. Second week in a row! You work hard and keep your work area tidy.

Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Symon

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