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Spelling Pairs

027 025 024 023 022Here are some of the children busy at work in their spelling pairs this week. Lots of valuable learning is going on here as the children are using their phonics to read and spell the words with their partner, whilst also developing their co-operative learning skills. It is lovely to see and hear the children supporting and encouraging each other with their learning in such a positive way!    


Superheroes to the Rescue!!


The children thoroughly enjoyed our mini topic on Superheroes towards the end of last term and we have finally completed our wall display in the classroom. The children were very creative with their Superheroes and we had all sorts of characters from Arrow Man to Sparkle Girl!! Here is a sneak preview but you will be able to see the full display at our Open Afternoon on Wednesday 18th November 3pm – 4pm.

Term 2!



We hope you all enjoyed a wonderful October break – it’s hard to believe we are in Term 2 already!! We are looking forward to a busy and exciting term ahead with the children.

Our timetable will continue as follows:

Gym – Tuesday pm (Mrs Brechin) and Friday pm

Library – Wednesday pm

Science – Wednesday pm (Mrs Will)

Gym kits were sent home for washing at the end of term so could we please ask that all kits are brought back to school asap.

For our topic work this term, the children will be learning about how to keep safe. We will be exploring areas such as Road Safety, Stranger Danger, Firework Safety and Keeping Safe at Home. We are also excited about getting involved with the Scottish Book Awards! We will be looking at the 3 nominated books in our age category and voting for our favourite! 

Finally, of course, we will be busy preparing for that very special event which happens in December (It’s too early to mention the ‘C’ word yet!!)

Looking forward to a fun-filled Term ahead! 

Sponsored walk 28th September

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Today Primary 2 enjoyed the sponsored walk up the Gramps. We loved looking at the changes in the trees and the views over Aberdeen. The class kept smiling all the way around and nobody complained about being tired or having sore feet. Think they’ll all sleep well tonight!



Jeans for Genes Day – Friday 18th September

imageIt’s going to be an exciting and busy time in room 3 this week as we are taking part in Jeans for Genes Day on Friday. Last week we made posters about the special event and this week our class are presenting an assembly to the rest of the school.

 As part of our homework this week we will have words for 2 songs to practise and some of us might also have some other words to learn too.

On Friday we have been given special permission to have a non-uniform day so we can wear anything denim. All we have to remember is to take in £1 which will go to the charity and help others. 


Pupil Council Elections

imageThere was great excitement in class last week as we voted for our Pupil Council Rep for P2. We spent a lot of time discussing the qualities needed to be a good class rep and it was great to see so many children who were keen to be considered for the role! We are delighted to announce that after gaining the most number of votes in the golden box, Brodie has been named as our Pupil Council Rep for P2(R3). We are sure you will do a wonderful job Brodie! Saffron has been named Deputy after gaining the next highest number of votes. Well done Girls!

Kincorth Library Visit – Thursday 3rd September

library-ok1[1]During P2, we are keen to encourage reading for enjoyment and a love of books within our class! We are therefore planning a visit to Kincorth Library on Thursday afternoon to allow the children to choose some books for our class reading corner. We are looking for a parent helper to accompany us on our visit so if you are free between 1.30pm and 3pm and fancy coming along then please let us know. Many thanks!