All posts by Mrs Fyfe

A Christmas Elf Comes to Class


Today we received an exciting delivery from the North Pole Express. 

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Inside we found this little Christmas elf on a secret mission. He has asked us to help him make magic reindeer dust to help Santa find all the homes in Aberdeen. The Christmas elf asked us to give him a name so we have called him Elfie. 

We are going to make our magic reindeer dust bird friendly so we are not going to use glitter. Instead we turned sugar into magic crystals with some teamwork and a magic rhyme. Hopefully the magic will work overnight and we’ll be ready to start making magic reindeer dust tomorrow.

I think we’re going to have a lot of fun with Elfie in the class.

Sponsored walk 28th September

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Today Primary 2 enjoyed the sponsored walk up the Gramps. We loved looking at the changes in the trees and the views over Aberdeen. The class kept smiling all the way around and nobody complained about being tired or having sore feet. Think they’ll all sleep well tonight!



Jeans for Genes Day – Friday 18th September

imageIt’s going to be an exciting and busy time in room 3 this week as we are taking part in Jeans for Genes Day on Friday. Last week we made posters about the special event and this week our class are presenting an assembly to the rest of the school.

 As part of our homework this week we will have words for 2 songs to practise and some of us might also have some other words to learn too.

On Friday we have been given special permission to have a non-uniform day so we can wear anything denim. All we have to remember is to take in £1 which will go to the charity and help others.