An Eggcellent Afternoon!!

Room 3 was bursting with creativity this afternoon as the boys and girls took part in our Egg Decorating Design Task.  It was great to see everyone hard at work and using their imagination to produce some wonderful creations! We had everything from Princesses to Tarantulas!!

Mrs Brechin had the difficult job of judging the competition and choosing a winning egg. It was so tough that Mrs Brechin decided on a few Runners Up too!

Here are our Runners Up with their fabulous designs – Cinderella, Spotty the Alien and King of the Universe! 


And finally our very proud winner with his amazing (and slightly scary!!) creation – Tommy the Tarantula! 


Just a reminder that the whole school will be going up to the church  on Monday morning for our Easter Service. The children may wish to bring along a donation for the church collection.

We would like to wish you all a very Happy Easter!  Hope the Easter Bunny brings lots of eggs!!

Sport Relief – Friday 18th March


Just a reminder that Abbotswell School will be taking part in fundraising efforts this week for Sport Relief 2016. We would like to invite the children to come along to school on Friday dressed in their sports gear and we ask that they bring a £1 donation with them on the day. Hopefully we can raise lots of money for a very worthy cause!

World Book Day 2016


What a fabulous time we all had celebrating World Book Day yesterday – both the children and the staff had a ball!!  It was lovely to see the children dressed up in their wonderful book character costumes….we had everything from Princesses to Robots!

We had a fun filled morning with our P6 Reading Buddies taking part in a whole variety of literacy activities. Here are some pictures to show a few of the things we got up to…

One Word Story Circles
One Word Story Circles
Storytelling With Puppets
Storytelling With Puppets
Concertina Characters
Concertina Characters
Enjoying a story with our Reading Champion Callum!
Enjoying a story with our Reading Champion Callum!
Meeting Donny the Sheep!
Meeting Donny the Sheep!
Character Tracing
Character Tracing
Interactive IPad Stories
Interactive IPad Stories

In the afternoon we had a whole school Character Fashion Parade to show off  all the wonderful costumes and choose the best dressed character from each class (a very tricky task!!) Congratulations to Ryan on winning the prize for our class with his super Robot costume from the book Robot Rumpus. 

Thank you to you all for your support with costumes, competition entries etc and helping us to make World Book Day a big success for the children!