Class Notes for week beginning 1st February


New pupil – Welcome to primary 2 Szymon! We hope you enjoy your time at Abbotswell.

Maths focus – The class have been working hard on Information Handling in the last few weeks and we’re now going to move onto time. We’ll be looking at clock faces and digital clocks and making sure we can tell o’clock and half past. Perhaps the pupils could look for different clocks they have in their home and see if they can spot when the hour changes or when it’s half past.

Open afternoon – Abbotswell are having an open afternoon on Wednesday 3rd February from 1.30pm – 2. 45pm. Each class will be sharing their learning about the author they have focused on in the first 3 weeks of term. Primary 2 have really enjoyed the Katie Morag stories by Mairi Herdderwick and are looking forward to the opportunity to read you their excellent character descriptions, show off their skills with map work and discuss our class displays with their guests.

Book Fair – The Scholastic book fair is coming to Abbotswell this week. Primary 2 will have the chance to visit the fair and look at the books on Thursday afternoon and on Friday morning.

Scottish Book Awards – Also on Thursday afternoon, Mrs Forbes is planning to take the pupils to Kincorth Library to cast our votes for the Scottish Book Awards. If anyone could help with accompanying our class to the library could they please let us know. We would probably be leaving at about 2pm after the Book Fair and we would be back by 3pm.

What a busy week we’ve got planned!

Pupil of the Week – 29th January


Congratulations Cody on being our pupil of the week. We are so proud of the progress you have made with your reading. We can tell you must practise lots at home. 

We have also been impressed by how hard you have worked on all your class tasks this week. Keep it up smart cookie! 

Book Swap Reminder!



We hope you are all remembering about our Big Book Swap taking place at Abbotswell next week! We are keen to promote a love of reading amongst our pupils in P2 and we feel this is a great way of getting the children to share and talk about books they’ve read. Of course, it’s also a great way of the children enjoying new books at no expense!! Please encourage your child to bring in a book or magazine to school next week which they are happy to swap. (They may bring in more than one if you are feeling like having a clear out!) Our Big Swap will take place at the end of the week with P3 and hopefully all the children will find an exciting new book or magazine to take home with them and enjoy!

Pupil of the Week – Friday 22nd January


It turned out to be a successful week for another one of our new pupils – Daniel! It is great to see Daniel settling in well to our class and making new friends! Daniel has tried very hard with some of his tasks this week and we hope he keeps up the good work. Congratulations to Daniel on his first Pupil of the Week award at Abbotswell School!

Class Notes for January

New pupils in Primary 2 – We are delighted to welcome Freya and Daniel to our class and we hope they enjoy their time at Abbotswell.

Maths – In our CLIC sessions we will be focusing on : –

C – Counting – Counting in 2s

L – Learn its – adding on 3 – (5 + 3 = 8), (6 + 3 = 9), (8+3 = 11)

I – It’s Nothing New – Finding half of 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10

C – Calculations – Halving numbers up to 20

The complete list of Learn Its can be found in the pink home books. It would really help pupils prepare for their Beat That assessments on Friday if they could regularly revise these facts. At the moment they get 60 seconds to answer 17 facts and we are aiming to reduce this time to 30 seconds soon – quite a challenge !!!