Class Notes for Week Beginning 24th August


Language – This week we will be concentrating on the oo sound. We will practise setting out our first spelling list in our homework jotters in class this week. We will also begin to assess reading skills and form groups.

Talking Homework Challenge – This week we are aiming to learn and recite a poem all about Good Manners. We are hoping that all our primary 2 pupils will be able to exercise their brains and memorise the poem and perform it clearly and confidently. 

Maths – We will continue to revise our Maths facts for our Beat That challenge on Friday. Our main focus this week will be on sequencing numbers and addition skills.

Citizenship Topic – We are continuing our Citizenship topic this week and we are focusing on getting to know each other and setting our targets for our year.

Primary 2 are also looking forward to seeing Mrs Brechin on Tuesday afternoon for gym and Mrs Will on Wednesday afternoon for Science. 


Welcome to Primary 2!

back-to-school-clipart-summer[1]We would like to wish you a warm welcome to our Primary 2 Class Blog! We are really looking forward to an exciting year ahead in P2! We will try to regularly update the blog with information and pictures to show you what we are getting up to in class. We hope that you will find it useful and welcome any comments or feedback you may have.