The morning children have been showing an interest in the animals in our garden. A small group of children who were particularly interested were given an opportunity to plan a ‘Garden Animals’ topic – see the ‘Talking Tub’ information at the top of the page.
The children have been keeping a tally of all the animals that we see in our garden. The most popular animal is a seagull! The children are keen to encourage more robins and ‘cuter birds’ to our garden. They have been making a range of bird feeders to help encourage this.
When learning about the difficulty the birds face when finding food in the winter, the children expressed concern about the rabbits. They researched which foods were healthy for rabbits and were surprised to learn that carrots should only be given occasionally! They lovingly prepared a range of healthy options for the rabbits and hid them in ‘secret’ places around our garden.
We have been documenting our learning in our planning books in nursery – please look at these next time you are in nursery.
We would welcome any bird experts who would be willing to talk about bird watching/feeding birds to the nursery children.