The returning children have been showing an interest in minibeasts for months. The new nursery boys and girls were very interested in the minibeasts in the forest. Unfortunately, we had not been finding many bugs in our garden – we decided to do something about this.
In small groups we shared stories about bugs and looked at photographs of bug hotels. We also spoke about the types of homes and food that bugs might like. You can see our fantastic ideas on our ‘Bug Hotel’ wall in nursery.
We made lists and mind maps of the things we needed based on the new information about bugs that we had learned. We have now started building our minibeast hotel using all of our ideas. Please ask your child to show you it next time you pass through the nursery garden. We hope to add lots of numeracy and literacy resources to it soon too!
The green and blue boys and girls found some natural materials in the forest to add to our minibeast hotel.
We are still looking for:
- Broken ceramic pots
- Rolls of turf
- Broken bricks
- Pieces of pipe
Photographs to follow…