Easter Celebrations

We had lots of fun celebrating Easter.  We decorated eggs and took them to the field to roll them down the hill.

There was a lot of problem solving taking place as the children worked out how to smash their eggs when the soft grass wasn’t breaking the shells.  The children were delighted to get a visit from the Easter bunny and all searched the garden to find their chocolate treat!

We hope you all have a wonderful relaxing and a chocolate filled Easter when it arrives.  Thank you for another very busy and successful term!

Miss Stephen, Mrs Gordon, Mrs Bartlett, Mrs Ogilvie and Mrs Duncan 🙂

AM Class

PM class

One thought on “Easter Celebrations”

  1. Looked like great fun.
    Hope you all had a relaxing break and got re energised for the next term.
    Thank you all for the wonderful hard work and effort you put in to making my boys nursery adventure such a great experience.

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