
We have been learning about babies.

A group of us planned a baby topic using a talking tub.  We looked at different things a baby uses and spoke about what we would like to find out.  Please see our planning wall to find out what we have planned.

We have been very lucky to have two beautiful babies come to nursery to visit us.  Sarah’s baby sister Abigail came to visit the morning class and Freya’s baby Oscar came to visit the afternoon class.  We all gave the babies a cuddle and asked lots of questions to find out more babies.  If your child was heavily involved in this they will have an ILD upload.

We have also been using drawing and writing materials to explore this topic further.  We have been creating our own baby vests and drawing baby faces using the TouchTV as a stimulation.  We will continue with our baby topic after the holidays.  We hope to organise visits from more babies and from a health visitor.

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