Observation Upload from home

We have started printing of some photographs that parents have uploaded onto the Interactive Learning diaries of learning at home.  Please feel free to upload any photographs of any learning that takes place at home whilst logged in to the Interactive Learning Diaries.  You could look on the ‘Look at me Learning at Home’ wall to get ideas for things people have uploaded.  Some parents have chosen to upload photographs of visits to farms, baking experiences, sledging, painting etc.

It is lovely for the staff to see what the children get up to at home and it gives us an ideal opportunity to build upon home learning within the nursery.


2 thoughts on “Observation Upload from home”

  1. It’s been really easy to do this as can access the learning diary from my phone so can upload photos when we’re out and about 😀

  2. Conor enjoys looking at the pictures we upload this generates discussion about nursery activities.
    He is keen to talk about the things he does there prompted by the photos and videos uploaded by the nursery staff.

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