Metaphrog visit

The school were again delighted to welcome our Patrons of Reading Metaphrog back to deliver a series of hands-on workshops over two days with S2 pupils. Celebrating Book Week Scotland, pupils enjoyed fun sessions creating their own Christmas themed characters.

Northfield Academy are currently in the second year of a three year Patron of Reading partnership with graphic novel writer/illustrators John Chalmers and Sandra Marrs of metaphrog.  This partnership will allow the school to work with metaphrog to raise the profile of graphic novels and reading for pleasure with pupils, parents and staff in a scheme which “adopts” authors/illustrators.

As a result of a successful funding bid to the Scottish Book Trust we will again welcome metaphrog back in Feb / March 2015 to work with the current S1 on an ambitious cross curricular Great Scottish Scientists project.  The visits will be part of a wider cross curricular school initiative to research, plan and draw a short graphic novel about a famous Scottish Scientist. Three comics will then be photographed frame by frame and music composed to create several short films.

We are very privileged to be paired up with metaphrog. Their visits have inspired and encouraged youngsters through the medium of graphic novels. The partnership on both sides is evolving into something truly great.

You can follow what metaphrog are up from their blog –