Welcome back! Hope everybody had a good October break.
This term we are continuing to develop our writing skills through the fantasy project ‘Escape From Kraznir’. The children have developed their understanding of the two lands, the lush, rich land of Slinsil and the barren wastelands of Kraznir. They have met the central characters which include Saracen the Warrior, Little John the Dwarf, Calypso the Elf and Touchfire the Wizard. As part of this writing project they have written a variety of pieces including a newspaper report whereby these intrepid heroes face a variety of challenging situations and fearsome monsters.
This term we are looking at the topics of multiplication, division, shape and time.
Phonic homework this term will be given on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. A Maths Support Sheet will be given on a Friday to be handed in on the following Wednesday.