Welcome to term 2 in Primary 5


Welcome to Primary 5’s blog.


This term we will be continuing to use our new Active Literacy approach to Language work. We will be learning new phoneme sounds in spelling as well as learning new strategies to help us with tricky words. We will be working with our 6 reading comprehension strategies, in particular, ‘using metacognition to draw inference’.  In writing we will be focusing heavily on the core targets of punctuation and neat handwriting along side using powers openers and fantastic connectives.


This term we will be focusing on various aspects of time alongside division and financial education. We will be taking part in Financial and Business Education Week starting on Monday 26th November.

IDL topic

This term our Interdisciplinary Learning topic is ‘The Unsinkable Ship’. The topic is a big secret, so unfortunately we can’t share much on here just now!!! You will have to come along to our open day on Monday 3rd December 1.30 – 2.45.

Other Information

This term Primary 5 will be having PE on a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday afternoon. I advise that everyone should bring gym shoes, t-shirt and shorts in a gym bag on a Monday and take it home on a Friday to be washed.

Please remember to sign your child’s homework in their new homework diaries and encourage them to ‘traffic light’ their work with either green, orange or red.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs Rough

Primary 5 having fun in PE!