
Today at assembly we continued to learn about needs and wants.  Studying images from UNICEF, we discussed which ‘need’ UNICEF were providing. This was a challenging task but the children did an amazing job to explain and identify the help that UNICEF were providing.  We then looked at various cards for the children to vote on whether the image was a need or a want.  This all relates to the rights we have learned about previously in assembly.

Stars of the Week –

Star Class were P1M.  Well done to all.

One thought on “30.4.18”

  1. Another good way to encourage the children to think about the advantages they are afforded, and how this is not replicated in other parts of the world. I feel this route of learning to be invaluable for the children as it helps develop a sense of compassion for others and understanding of the world they are yet to encounter. Bring on Monday assembly. Keep up the good work Miss M.

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