Assembly 4.9.17

Our assembly this morning continued to learn about article 27 and the rights associated with having a home to live in.  We played a game matching the owners to their homes, which involved the Queen and Buckingham Palace, a rabbit and a burrow and Eskimos and an igloo to name a few!  Following this we moved on to look closer at our homes.  We participated in a discussion about our own home and we volunteered answers to finish the sentence ‘When I’m at home I feel…….‘.  The responses have been recorded and will be displayed on our assembly wall.  They were very well thought out and included relaxed, good, excited, tired, hungry and joyful!

At the end of assembly I introduced a new opportunity for children to be rewarded.  In line with the golden rules, all adults who are in assembly will be looking for children who are following the rules.  The children identified will be awarded with a sticker for the rule has been impeccably followed.



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