Assembly 10.9.18

At assembly this morning we created a ‘perfect planet’.  Still thinking about needs and wants, the children had a variety of things that they could take to another planet; deciding what they need to take and not to take things that were considered wants.  Collectively, the children decided they would take family, clean water, shelter, healthy food and a doctor.  Someone suggested to take a cafe and mobile phone but thankfully they were outvoted!  We had a countdown for the rocket to blastoff and reach the perfect planet.  This activity really showed the children are understanding needs and wants and can prioritise needs accordingly.


Star Class were P2W today.  They were volunteering lots of answers and came up to the front to slect things for  the rocket too.  Well done P2W.

Stars of the Week –


One thought on “Assembly 10.9.18”

  1. Mmmm….what would I need for life on another planet?? My weans, chocolate and some good tunes!! Oh no there not needs they are just wants… well the latter are but I would need the wee Closey’s they are as sweet as chocolate and as entertaining as a good tune…lol
    Good to hear the learning is having an impact and helping the children prioritise what is important. Conor is definitely grasping the concept of needs and wants 👍🏻
    No catchy tunes this week Miss M😩

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