Back focusing on the rights of the child, today we were learning about the right to be treated fairly. Volunteers from P7D acted out a story about a lady applying for a job but kept being turned away by the shop keeper. Another lady applied for the job and got it straight away because she didn’t look any different to the shop keeper. We had the most wonderful, detailed discussion about why this was not fair and what the shop keeper should’ve done differently. One pupil was able to identify this as the right to be treated fairly which I was very impressed with. We briefly talked about discrimination but the focus today was more on fairness.
As we have had some changes to assemblies the last few, the children’s understanding of UNCRC continues to impress me; they really are building upon their knowledge week on week.
Stars of the Week
Star Class were P3S.
Being treated fairly…. now this is a great one! It is something that would serve us all well to learn early on so well done Miss M another great learning journey…
My hope is that the children would take the knowledge and apply it to each other as it would help eliminate discrimination and bullying behaviour. Even at this early stage in life they are understanding what it is to be different …. so fostering an accepting attitude and prompting a positive outlook on differences is a great way to help children break down barriers that are not of their making.