
Continuing to learn about the right to an education, we moved on in our learning today and studied what it would be like to be in another school in another country compared to Cults Primary.  Emphasising that not all children who live beside the school would be able to attend, we watched a 360 tour of a school in Malawi.  We then compared what we saw to our school.  Similarities shared were learning and teachers and differences were the classroom, playground, walls, furniture and the children.  All of these ideas were what the children came up with, which yet again, I was very impressed with.  You will find the video clip with this link – https://www.sendmyfriend.org/resource/360-film-malawi/

Star Class were P3M.  They shared really good answers and showed a very good example to the other classes.  Well done.

Stars of the Week 




One thought on “12.3.18”

  1. I watched the video and found myself comparing what our children have and how fortunate they are, but also being thankful that the children in Malawi are at least getting an education.
    It is good for children to be able to see how others live and learn. Very worthwhile learning yet again Miss M👍🏻

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