
Our assembly this morning was called ‘Turning over a new leaf’.  We looked at a very old book and a typewriter and discussed what it meant to make a mistake and start all over again in this context.  We then related this to the Golden Rule We Work Hard, and thought about how to make things better if and when things don’t work out.  Volunteers came up to act out a play based on this too.

Stars of the Week …………………………….

003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010

And class of the week was P2M.  They all remembered to use loud, clear voices and two children from P2M volunteered to act in the play too.  Well done everyone.


Today at Infant Assembly we discussed ‘Let Our Best Selves Shine Through’, which relates to the Golden Rule We Work Hard We Don’t Waste Time.  We played a game that involved passing paper; one team had to pass it carefully and the other could mess around!  At the end we compared the paper and found that the team that messed around and wasted time, had a very crumpled piece and the other team, who did their best still had a lovely, shiny piece of paper.  We discussed this in terms of working in class and what our work would look like it we waste time compared to if we do our best.

Following this we listened to the story about the Golden Rule and volunteers came up to use the new animal puppets.

Our Stars of the Week are ………

002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009

Star Class are P3S today.  Many of the children in P3S volunteered to play the game and to use the puppets.  Well done and thank you.


Happy New Year to you.

Our first assembly of the year focused on one of the Golden Rules; We work hard, we don’t waste time.  We watched short clips of animals working together and then decided on whether they were working hard or wasting time.  They were all working hard!  All children are going to think about what working hard looks like and sounds like.  We’re going to discuss and record that at assembly next week.

Stars of the Week ……………

094 093 092 091 090 089 088 087

Well done boys and girls.

Choosing Star Class this week was very tricky as every class came into assembly so smartly and many were offering super answers and using loud, clear voices when doing so. 

P1S are Star Class this week.  Well done.