Broomhill Grasshoppers Nursery 2015

Just another – Aberdeen site

June 6, 2016
by Ms Gray

Week beginning 30th May 2016

Hello everyone!

The grasshoppers have been very busy this week! We have been busy doing lots of practising for our sports day, on Friday we had a practise of our hat race in the dining room. The children loved trying on the different funny hats!

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We have also been enjoying using our new equipment in the nursery garden. We have been making lots of mud pies in our mud kitchen!

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May 27, 2016
by Ms Gray

Week beginning 23rd May

Hello everyone!

Apologies for the lack of posting, we have had a few technical difficulties which are hopefully sorted now!

The grasshoppers have been very busy! They are enjoying the opportunity to go over to the woodies with the bees class on woodies Wednesday. If you are free to be a helper, please let Miss Gray or Miss Buckley know.


This week we also said goodbye to our friend Ziggy the alien! Ziggy came to visit nursery to teach the children about crossing the road safely and being safe while outside. The children have enjoyed having Ziggy to stay in our nursery, but it is time for him to go back to his own planet. Before he left, Ziggy made some special certificates for all the boys and girls to say well done for crossing the road and walking over to the woodies safely! Our student Kim helped Ziggy to hand them out.





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Have a great weekend everybody!













May 6, 2016
by Ms Gray

Week beginning 2/5/16

Hello everyone we hope you enjoyed the long weekend!

We have been very busy grasshoppers! We have welcomed two new friends to our nursery, Teagan and Harriet!

Last Thursday we had a very special visit from Mrs Black from the Aberdeen university music department with some lovely students to play some instruments for us! The children loved hearing the different sounds even though some were a bit noisy! We even got to have a go of some instruments as we created a song for the Gruffalo!




We have have also been busy learning about how plants grow and even planting our own beans and seeds! We hope to do more planting in the next few weeks, if you have any yoghurt pots or egg boxes at home please take them along to nursery with you so we can use them for planting!


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Have a good weekend!

March 11, 2016
by Ms Gray

Week beginning 7/3/16

image image image  This week we had a meeting about what we would like to have in our role play area. We discussed some ideas and then children voted – the winner was a campsite! Work is underway to make and find all of the things we would like in our campsite. Here we are making a tree and next week we will make some fire and sticks.


image image image image image image image image image image image  Here are some children at our library. During library the children are developing their literacy skills when making choices and talking about these, guessing what the book will be about using the title and the front cover and discussing what they enjoyed about the book they took home.  They also develop fine motor skills when opening their book bag and when taking cards out and putting them back in. As you can tell from the photos it takes a lot of concentration and hardwork.  We feel it is a really worthwhile learning experience so please continue to bring library books back on a Friday- thanks!

March 7, 2016
by Ms Gray

Week beginning 29/3/16

We have had another busy week at nursery.  We experimented with different materials in the water tray to see if they would float or sink

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We brushed our teeth for the first time in Nursery this week. We are learning about taking care of our teeth, how to brush themy, recognising our name on our box and how to use timers to make sure we brush them for the right amount of time. We are also developing fine motor skills when opening and closing our toothbrush boxes, we are learning to look after and take responsibility for our toothbrush and box and about sequencing so we can do it all in the right order. What a lot of learning!imageimageimage



On Friday some children from Primary 6 came to Nursery and read to us, we really enjoyed this!


February 29, 2016
by Ms Gray





image imageimage image image  image We used the dining room as a  big space where we could move our bodies rhythmically and expressively to music. We created our own dances and then we listened carefully to the music and followed the instructions. We were listening, following instructions, observing, balancing, being creative, developing spacial awareness and having lots of fun!



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We have had lots of frosty mornings so we decided to make some frosty pictures. We chose our paper, paint and glitter and used marbles to roll it around in the tray. It took lots of concentration and hand-eye coordination to get the marbles to roll in the paint. Look out for our paintings on the wall, we think they are so good we would like to show them off.




February 12, 2016
by Ms Gray

Pancakes, Valentine’s Day and lots of fun!

It’s been another busy week at nursery for the grasshoppers! We hope you have all had a good week too!

On Tuesday we celebrated shrove Tuesday by making our very own pancakes for snack! William and Liam were very good helpers!  We also had lots of fun making our own play doh pancakes and flipping them!

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Our pancakes were very yummy and it was fun to watch Mrs Barkovska flip them!

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We have also been making our very own Valentine’s cards, we hope you like them! ❤️💘

We are very excited to welcome Miss Buckley back to nursery next week! The children are all very excited to see her!

Don’t forget there is no nursery on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week! We hope you all have a lovely long weekend!



February 5, 2016
by Ms Gray

Another week!

Hi everyone! Hope you have all had a good week!

The grasshoppers have enjoyed another busy week at nursery!

On Wednesday we went for a play on the gym trail for the first time this year! For our new friends, this was their very first time, so we had a little chat beforehand about how we stay safe on the gym trail. The other boys and girls were very helpful showing our new friends the ropes!

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We have also been enjoying more free flow play this week in our nursery garden, let’s hope the weather stays dry so we can get outside much more in the coming weeks!

The children have also been enjoying exploring our interest table this week, there are lots of interesting things to look at and investigate to help us learn about Chinese New Year! We will doing some more fun things in nursery to celebrate next week!

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Don’t forget your library books on Friday! Have a great weekend!

January 29, 2016
by Ms Gray

Robert Burns celebrations and more!

It’s been another busy week for the grasshopper nursery! On Monday we celebrated Robert Burns birthday by heading to the dining room for some dancing to traditional Scottish music! At snack time we had some haggis, neeps and tatties, well done to all the boys and girls for having a taste!

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This week we have also been having fun giving our baby dolls a nice bubbly bath in our water tray! The boys and girls have been very good at washing, drying and looking after the babies!


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Finally we have also been getting creative ( and a bit messy!) with some gloopy, glittery finger paints! We have created some lovely art work so keep a look out for it in nursery!

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January 21, 2016
by Ms Gray

A busy week with Grasshoppers!

We have had another busy week in the grasshopper class with lots of playing and learning!

Last week the boys and girls had began to play “pets” in the role play corner, so at together time after a chat we decided to make our role play corner into our very own vets!

The boys and girls have been really enjoying exploring and learning about the role of a vet through play, we have also been using stories and the iPads to learn more! We will be doing lots more fun activities during play in nursery to enhance our knowledge and understanding, we will keep you posted!

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We have also been busy making our new grasshoppers feel at home! The boys and girls have been very helpful and kind by telling our new friends all about nursery! As our new friends are still getting used to our nursery environment, we have decided to postpone our woodies Wednesday for now until our new friends have settled and are comfortable in nursery. Don’t worry! We will still be having lots of outdoor play (weather permitting!) and we will keep you informed and let you know when we will be going to the woodies!


This week the grasshoppers have also been enjoying some different sensory play. In our water tray we have been having fun with lentils! We have also had some messy fun with gloop and pasta! sensory play helps us learn about our senses and enhances our learning through lots of fun and a little bit of mess too!


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P.S. Don’t forget to bring your library books back on Friday!







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