Tag Archives: children’s work

We’ve Learned A Lot This Term!

We can’t believe that’s another term over already and we’ve done a lot of learning. We’ve been learning lots of new skills including typing and using a dictionary to help us with our writing. As part of our topic, we all took in our favourite toy to show to the rest of the class. Take a look at some our best moments:


We also asked for materials to be sent in to help us with our junk modelling. This was to link to our focus on our community. In pairs, we all chose a building in our community that we wanted to build and we created a design. The next step was to build our model with Lego and Duplo to work out how we wanted to put our model together and how big we wanted our model to be. Our final step was to build our model using recycled materials. Here are some of the results:


A huge thank you to everyone who sent in materials for us to use for our models!

Fun with Mapping

As part of our topic of ‘Our Community’, we’ve been doing a lot of work on mapping and it has been lots of fun!

We spent an afternoon doing lots of different activities including making pictures of our homes with different shapes and colours of paper, using felt to make maps, and cutting and sticking road signs on our own maps. Take a look at some photos of our learning.




Jack the bear, who is helping us learn about our community, also went and hid in the school. We had to use a map to go and find him, and then we had to draw what route we took!


Learning Update

We have settled in really well to Term 2 and have been doing lots of different learning.

First of all we want to say a huge well done to one of our P2s for winning one of the prizes in our school book cover competition to celebrate the opening of our new school library. A huge well done!


Our Primary 1s have been spending lots of time on word building and are getting really good at being able to identify the different sounds within words. We then practised writing these on the SMART board. Look how good our letter formation is getting too!

Finally as part of our science, we have been learning about germs – especially as it’s coming up to winter when lots of us get colds! We used red paint to help us see how germs can spread on our hands. Now we make sure we wash our hands properly with soap to help stop us sharing those germs!



Book Reviews

Since the start of Term 2, the Primary 1s have been looking at identifying the beginning, middle and end of a story. They have really been enjoying their new reading books and they are getting really good at being able to retell the story.

This week, the Primary 2s have been looking at writing their own book reviews for their reading books. They are getting really good at describing their favourite part of the story clearly.