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Food Glorious Food

This term P4 are learning about food. To start off our topic we created a piece of art about our favourite food. We also used our knowledge of hot and cold colours to create the tablecloths and plates. We hope you enjoy browsing our gallery.


RGU Sport Students

We have loved having students from RGU coaching us for some of our P.E. lessons. We developed our tennis and rugby skills, and particularly enjoyed today when we could get out in the sun.



P4 have been learning about electricity this term. We can now build a range of different circuits and explain why some circuits work and others don’t. Investigating was great fun and we are looking forward to our next science topic.

World Book Day Assembly

On 8th March P4 delivered an assembly on World Book Day to the whole school. We had a great time finding out about different authors, everyone’s favourite books and taking a closer look at our school library.

Thank you to everyone that was able to come to our assembly.

And remember keep reading!

Good Choice Marbles

After planting bulbs at Hazlehead Park, P4 decided to choose playing in the park as their good choice reward. Marbles have been collected in term 1 and 2. Lots of fun was had by the pupils!

Bulb Planting

On Thursday 8h November P4 helped our local community by planting bulbs at Hazlehead Park. If you are visiting the park in the spring have a look near the maze for our hard work.