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Community Litter Pick

Every class in the school took part in our Community Litter Pick which took place over 3 days.  We were also helped by some member of “Friends of Westfield Park” which we really appreciated.  We each chose an area – some in Westfield Park, some nearer the school and we filled bags with all kinds of litter.  It is good to contribute to our local community.

Here are some photos of p6/7 at Westfield Park:

Eco Committee meeting 16/3/18

One of the big whole school projects the Eco Committee have been organising this year is a mural to decorate one of the walls at the infant end of the playground. Before Christmas a local artist worked with all the classes to create images for the mural. Last Friday the Eco Committee met at lunchtime and went through the images created by their classmates to select their favourites to inspire the artist in the mural design. There were lots of excellent pictures created by pupils and it was not easy to choose, but finally we ended up with a great selection of images. These now go to the artist so that he can create some designs for pupils to have a look at and choose their favourite.

Weekly Gardening Club – Bob

The keen gardeners at Scotstown have been dodging the poor weather recently as we get ready for the next growing season. We have been adding compost to the raised beds, planting potatoes and we have seeds growing into delicious vegetables in the greenhouse. We were also delighted that Kristoffer (Miss Hay’s right hand man) and staff in room 14, have made a scarecrow to replace one that was damaged last year. Kristoffer named the scarecrow Bob, and Bob was planted in one of the raised beds last week.

P7 Community Bulb Planting

On Monday, the 4th of December, the P7 class went out to the local park to plant spring bulbs. Everyone worked hard through the afternoon to get all the bulbs planted in a window of mild and dry weather before the next rain/snow storm. We are all looking forward to seeing the beautiful spring crocuses outside the school in the park and knowing that we contributed to making the local community a more attractive place to live.

Wall Mural

In order to improve our playground, we have met with a local artist who is able to help us design and paint a wall mural.

Charley and Edie did a short presentation on behalf of the Eco Committee at our assemblies to let everyone know why the artist will be visiting their class.




We are looking forward to meeting and working with the artist!