All posts by Miss Hay

Friendship Circle Update – 3/5/17

Today the Eco Committee had a busy lunchtime. They’ve beenĀ preparing the ends of the logs that make up the friendship circle, so that they can be painted by the winners of the design competition. Thankfully, it was a lovely sunny day. Here are the Eco Committee hard at work.

Spring Bulb Planting SUCCESS!

Well done to the Scotstown Primary gardeners who managed to produce a lovely display of daffodils in the spring bulb planting competition. A big thank you to all the keen pupils who give up their break times to help make the playground a “brighter” more eco friendly place. The school has won some gardening vouchers and I’m sure weĀ willĀ haveĀ no trouble using them up. But it looks like we will have to redecorate our planters.

Friendship Circle

On Thursday, the 27th of April the final judging of designs for the friendship circle took place. Miss Bain, Natalie and Tom (from Vattenfall) had the difficult decision of selecting the two designs from each class. These designs will be painted onto the circle in the next few weeks.


Vattenfall Wind Turbine Workshop – Tuesday, 18th April

P6 and P7 had a great first day back this term learning about wind energy. Vattenfall and Satrosphere have worked together to produce a new workshop on renewable energy and trialled it out with our classes. It was a great success. Pupils learnt about the advantages of using wind power and then got to experiment with model wind turbines. They discovered that wind strength and speed and the number and position of bladesĀ will have an impact on the amount of energy produced. They also learnt about the local off shore wind farms and the new technology that goes into anchoring them.

Duracell Big Battery Hunt

Scotstown School was given the chance to take part in a national scheme to recycle batteries. Pupils in P5-7 volunteered to collect used batteries over the Easter holidays and return them to school. They managed to bring in 1509 batteries. VERY WELL DONE everyone who took part. The Winner of the competition will be announced at the next assembly.

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Replanting the Wildlife Gardens

The wildlife garden is now over 10 years old and the raised beds needed to be replanted. Last year every pupil helped to sow wild flower seeds and they have been happily growing in the greenhouse. The replanting has now started (just in time for the snow) and will continue for the next few weeks. Hopefully we will have a vibrant, colourful flower display to attract more wildlife soon.


Eco Week – March 27th-31st

During Eco / Science week the Eco Committee decided to organise two main events; organising the design competition for the friendship circle and collecting food for the Instant Neighbour foodbank.

There was an excellent effort from the pupils for the design competition and here are some pictures of the Eco Committee hard at work choosing the best designs.

A big thank you to everyone who donated to the food collection for Instant Neighbours food bank. We were all really impressed with the amount that was donated and it’s great to know that we have so many families willing to support others in the community who are having a hard time just now.

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Bulb growing competition

For the last few years the gardening club have been taking part in a bulb growing competition. The Council provide free bulbs we just need to plant them. This year we used 2 old water tables that were going to be throw out and decorated them.
