Bring and Buy Total

Mr Mundie used last weeks assembly as an opportunity to reveal how much the school raised in our Eco bring and buy sale. Altogether the total came to a whopping £470, which will go towards repairing the fence around the wild life garden. Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Bring and Buy Sale

On Friday, the 1st of February, the Eco Committee and the P7s organised a bring and buy sale to raise money to repair the damaged fencing around the wild life garden. We asked the rest of the school to donate unwanted books, games and toys, so that they could be reused by others who would love using them again. We had a great response and we would like to thank everyone who gave so generously. The primary 7s helped to organise and set up the sale on Thursday afternoon. On Friday all the classes visited the sale and were served by the eco-committee and P7s. As well as our toy and book stalls we had a guess the teddy bears birthday and some cakes for sale as well. The day was a great success and there was very little left at the end of the day. The eco-committee and P7s did an excellent job with serving their customers and we were proud of their outstanding effort. Here are some of the images from the day.