Friendship Circle/Outdoor Learning Area

The Eco Committee were delighted on Friday to see the logs for the Friendship Circle/outdoor learning area being delivered.

We have now asked each class to think of themes to decorate the end of the logs.  P7 are going to work on designs to remember Ms Morrison and Ms Smith.  At our next Eco meeting on Thursday we will look at the suggestions.  Then, next week during Eco week, each pupil will be asked to create a design for the friendship logs and the winners will be used.

We would like to thank Stephen and his team for their time and hard work.

March 2017

We have had 2 Eco Committee meetings since the last post.

Our news:

We are hoping to start our work on our “Take Action!” project as we start working towards the next Green Flag. So, during Eco/Science week, we are hoping to do a whole school collection for a local food bank, showing that we care about people in our Community.

We have all made sure our classes are aware of the change on the Eco jobs rota.

Our Friendship Stop and Story Circle should be constructed this month and we are going to ask pupils during Eco/Science week to do some design work – watch this space!

Yana and Aqsa have written to Natalie from Vattenfall about the Story Circle.

In May, we have planned a whole school community litter pick.  Some committee members are going to write a letter to involve a local business in our litter pick.

March 2017