Some of the afternoon nursery children enjoyed listening and dancing to a live band!
Our Seeing Eyes
This week we have been learning about our sense of sight. We enjoyed making binoculars, telescopes and spectacles. We used these to look for different things at the Woodies as well as for cloud watching. We saw lots of funny things in the clouds including a dragon cloud, a crocodile, a giraffe, a bubble pattern and dinosaurs. We dropped runny paint onto paper and used straws to blow the paint into different patterns. We talked about what we could see in our paintings. Our opticians opened and we have had lots customers coming for eye tests. We also make an eye colour chart. Next week we will be exploring our sense of hearing.
We need tubes!
On Monday and Tuesday next week we are making binoculars, telescopes and spectacles as part of our senses topic. Please bring in any junk we could use to make these e.g. kitchen tubes. Thank you.
Special Days
Ball skills
We have been developing our ball skills in gym this week. We are getting really quick at getting changed for P.E.
Outside water play
Last week the children really enjoyed playing outside with water. This included painting the walls, sailing boats, water experiments and working together to build water channels for Playmobil people to slide down.
Digging pits
We have enjoyed playing in the digging pits at the Woodies. We have made lots of mud pies, soup and we also found lots of dinosaur fossils!!!
Fruit tasting photos
New Topic – The Senses
We will be investigating our senses this term. On Thursday we tried some new fruit – sharon fruit, guava, avocado and mango. We sat in a circle and tried them all together. Photos to follow!
Bring your wellies!
Please bring in your wellies all next week as we will be playing with lots of water!