All posts by Miss Murray

Our term one round up!

What a busy term 1 of primary 2 it has been!


We have learned about parts of our community, map skills using grids, accessing Google maps and satellite maps, creating our own maps, going on our street walk, making street models and learning about different shapes and patterns in the types of houses in our community.


Each week we listen to and read books while exploring reading skills such as predicting, blending, using picture clues, visualising, inferencing and asking questions about the texts we read.

We study common/tricky words and sounds (phonemes) with spelling patterns (graphemes) each week in a range of active ways.

We have focused on writing personal recounts using the time connectives first, then, next, after that, finally while remembering capital letters, full stops, finger spaces and writing independently.


This term we have done lots of number work on place value, teen/ ty numbers, sequencing numbers, counting forwards, backwards, 10 more 10 less and some addition and subtraction. We have also explored, position/movement focusing on directions forwards, backwards, left, rIgbo using beebots, maps and grids. We have worked on recognising the names and properties of 2D and 3 D shapes.

Health and wellbeing

We have explored how to be a good friend, ways to solve small problems (conflicts) independently using Kelso’s Choices and how to be kind to others by being a Bucket Filler! We can also earn Dojo Points for our Dojo avatar by trying hard to follow our class essential agreements.

What at a great term in p2!

Maths mania

We have been very busy in maths focusing on division strategies as well as telling the time and representing times.

We continue to work on our own ‘good fit levels’ in maths knowing which division and times table problems we each focus on as well as whether we are working on telling times to the hour, half hour, quarter past or quarter to the hour.

Check out Topmarks for fantastic multiplication, division and time games:

Hit the button and stop the clock are two we are working on in class 🙂



Completing the Celts

This week the children worked on preparing their Celtic power point presentations with a partner. They focused on key speaking and listening skills:

  • Speaking loudly, clearly, with expression
  • Using a presenting body – facing forwards, eye contact, using gestures to point, show their Celtic weapon and jewellery models
  • Showing they were able to answer questions from the audience

The presenters were able to show just HOW MUCH knowledge they have gained about Celts and where they got their research and evidence from.

Computer skills

Over the last 4 weeks during ICT (information communication and technology) lessons we have worked on creating power point presentations about the Celts with a partner.

We worked on many skills:

  • typing
  • changing font
  • inserting and editing images
  • sharing knowledge
  • taking turns

On Wednesday and Thursday as a little bit of extra homework Miss Fraser will send each slide show home and ask for your child to work on their speaking parts for their presentations which will be on Friday.

We will be discussing more about how to engage an audience by being a good speaker and how to be a good listener in the audience.


Doctors in training!

Room 19 were learning about the heart. We learned that it beats to pump blood to our muscles too help us move. Did you know that your blood vessels are long enough to wrap around the Earth almost 3 times? We know that our hearts are very important and need to be looked after.

We practised finding our pulse and used some plasticine and straws to help us!

Archie in Africa

In March we took part in raising funds and awareness for Archie in Africa – a North East of Scotland based charity which supports a children’s hospital in Uganda. Every student at Broomhill walked or jogged 15 laps around our school to represent the distance of the border of Uganda. We had a great time in p3 r19 walking our laps and dressing in the colours of the Ugandan flag. A big thank you to everyone for the generous donations towards the Archie in Africa cause – Broomhill School raised over £436.39 !!


Football final

This week we enjoyed our final football skills session led by Mr Scott. We had great fun playing warm up games, continuing to work on our dribbling, passing and ball control skills and ended our session with a quick team game.

Thank you to Mr Scott for all his super sessions this term!

Have a look at our photographs…


Last week P3 listened to the Celtic folktale of Cormac’s Golden Cup, a story about a king who sets out to find his family and discovers a wonderful kingdom.

The children spent time working in groups to create freeze frames-a snapshot of the story. We pretended to take photographs of the story and recreate them in our classroom!


Have a look at our freeze frames!

By Miss Fraser



Mass in maths !

This week we explored mass with Miss Fraser. We discussed the language of heavier, lighter, equal, the same as, balance scale, estimate, measure, check, grams.

We began to  check how heavy  items are using standard weights and we recorded the unit of grams with a g.

Here we are having fun exploring mass and weight….